News list for " a bit"

A trader who made $1.30 million on TRUMP used inside information to make $6.72 million on LIBRA

According to Lookonchain, a trader who made $1.30 million on TRUMP used insider information to make $6.72 million on LIBRA. Before LIBRA went live, the trader created 2 new wallets and transferred funds to buy LIBRA. As soon as LIBRA went live, he used the two wallets to buy 5.08 million LIBRAs for $2.02 million and quickly sold them for $8.74 million.

2025-02-16 04:06:58
A whale shorting ETH with 50 times leverage is currently trading more than $16.80 million

February 2nd news, according to Lookonchain monitoring, as the price of ETH fell, a 50 times leverage ETH giant whale has not yet realized profits of more than 16.80 million dollars.

2025-02-02 03:55:33
A giant whale has withdrawn about 226,300 LINK from Binance in the past 17 days, worth 4.74 million US dollars

According to Onchain Lens, a giant whale has been accumulating LINK from Binance. In the past 17 days, the giant whale has withdrawn 226,340 LINK worth $4.74 million, with an average price of $20.95. Currently, the giant whale has lost $289,000 on LINK.

2025-01-10 00:26:37
A whale that was long on Bitcoin in a certain cycle bought 366.31 WBTC again.

On November 6th, according to the monitoring of Lookonchain, a giant whale is once again long Bitcoin ($BTC) through circular lending. The giant whale lent $27 million from Aave in the past two hours, and the average price was $73,708 to buy 366.31 WBTC.

2024-11-06 08:49:16
A whale withdrew $1.23 million worth of EIGEN from Binance 30 minutes ago.

On November 4th, according to Onchain Lens monitoring, a crypto trader named "smartestmoney.eth" withdrew 500,000 EIGEN from Binance 30 minutes ago, worth 1.23 million dollars.

2024-11-04 14:59:28
The 2009 "Ancient Whale" has now sold $10.52 million in Bitcoin

According to Arkham monitoring data, an "ancient whale" that has been mining bitcoin since just five days after its birth in 2009 began selling bitcoin in August this year after sleeping for 10 years. So far, the whale has accumulated $10.52 million in cash and still holds $71.70 million worth of bitcoin.

2024-10-24 19:09:22
A new user bets $2 million on Polymarket to predict Harris' victory, becoming its number one bet

On October 24th, a new user named Ly67890 bet $2 million on the crypto prediction market Polymarket to support Vice President Harris to win the presidential election, quickly increasing her chances of winning the election on the platform and making it the number one punter on the platform to predict Harris's victory.

2024-10-24 05:49:32
A smart money made $4.20 million through GOAT trading and $145,000 through LABUBU trading

On October 17, according to the monitoring of Onchain Lens, a smart money trader made more than 4.2 million US dollars through GOAT trading and 145,000 US dollars through LABUBU trading in 15 days.

2024-10-17 16:02:26
An early AAVE holder sold 17,447 AAVs three hours ago, losing $2.14 million

According to Lookonchain, an early AAVE holder sold all 17,447 AAVs ($2.16 million) 3 hours ago, losing $2.14 million. The whale bought 17,447 AAVs ($4.30 million) from Binance on March 28, 2021 and June 12, 2023, at an average price of $246.

2024-09-04 02:20:52
Louisiana passes bill to defend bitcoin rights and ban CBDCs

Louisiana passed a bitcoin bill to protect the right to use bitcoin and curb central bank digital currencies. After House Bill 488 received bipartisan approval in both the House and Senate, Governor Jeff Landry signed it into law. The legislation, spearheaded by Rep. Mark Wright and supported by Sen. Jean-Paul Coussan, aims to ensure that bitcoin...

2024-06-24 12:26:19

7x24 Newsflash

09:05 2025-03-26
OKX Web3 联合「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」开启门票抽奖活动
3月26日消息,「2025香港Web3嘉年华」活动临近,OKX Web3现已开启抽奖活动。完成相应任务,将有机会抽取大会门票1张。参与方式:在OKX Web3钱包寻找大会 NFT 门票购票入口并截图,携带截图与 #OKXWeb3 标签并转发相关推文。 据悉,「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合主办,W3ME 承办。活动将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日至 9 日 在香港...
09:05 2025-03-26
MIM Spell:将在36小时内偿还黑客攻击损失的50%
MIM Spell 在 X 平台发文称,此前黑客攻击造成 1300 万美元损失,将在 36 小时内偿还 50%,用户资金零损失。Abracadabra 正在通过 Berachain 等平台扩展来重建系统。还款前持有的债券约为 1900 万美元流动资产。
09:02 2025-03-26
MistTrack:Circle 冻结某地址近 300 万枚 USDC
据链上分析平台 MistTrack 监测,Circle 已冻结 0xbe 开头地址持有的 2,997,180 枚 USDC。该地址同时持有 200.98 枚以太坊和 929,923 枚 USDT,且与多个币安和加密货币交易所地址有交互记录。
08:59 2025-03-26
08:41 2025-03-26
灰度:2025 年 Q2 潜力代币 Top 20 新增 IP、SYRUP 和 GEOD
3月26日消息,Grayscale Research 每个季度都会从上百种加密资产中列出排名前 20 的资产,它们代表跨加密货币领域的多元化资产,同时也代表灰度认为这些资产在未来一个季度具有很高的潜力。 2025 年 Q2,灰度将重点关注反映区块链技术在现实世界中的非投机性应用的代币,这些代币属于以下三类之一:RWA(真实世界资产)、DePIN(去中心化物理基础设施)和 IP(知识产权)的...
08:14 2025-03-26
韩国监管机构拟对 17 家境外未申报 VASP 的 Google Play 平台应用实施访问屏蔽
韩国金融情报分析院(FIU)发布公告称,自 3 月 25 日起将对 17 家未在韩国注册的海外虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)的 Google Play 平台应用实施国内访问限制,包括 KuCoin、MEXC 等,这意味着用户无法新安装相关应用,现有用户也无法更新。
08:14 2025-03-26
币安创始人赵长鹏在 X 发文表示其不会出席香港加密金融论坛。赵长鹏在宣布其会参加香港加密金融论坛的推文下表示,可能是沟通上的失误导致误会,但他不会出席该活动。
08:10 2025-03-26
08:07 2025-03-26
Pump.Fun 联创:与 Raydium 之间没有争端,期待看到其他团队提出的新机制
3月26日消息,Pump.Fun 联合创始人 Alon 在播客节目中被问及与 Raydium 即将推出的 Launch Lab 平台之间的竞争关系时,回应道:“我们并不害怕任何形式的竞争。这不是争端,而是企业努力为用户提供最佳产品的一部分。事实上,很多以太坊生态系统和其他领域的创新平台都借...
07:58 2025-03-26
Nansen:Smart Money仍然看好AI概念Meme币
Nansen 在社交平台上表示,“Smart Money 仍然青睐 AI 概念 Meme 币。持有 AIXBT、AI16Z 和 ARC 等币。”
07:55 2025-03-26
英国最新通胀数据低于预期后,英镑下跌。英国通胀率从 1 月份的 3.0% 降至 2 月份的 2.8%,核心通胀率从 3.7% 降至 3.5%。 不过,Pepperstone 策略师迈克尔·布朗表示,这些数据似乎不太可能实质性地改变英国央行的政策前景,尤其是央行重申未来将逐步降息。
07:52 2025-03-26
数据显示,去中心化借贷平台Aave上USDT和USDC等稳定币的借贷成本已降至4%左右,显示避险情绪正蔓延至加密领域。FRNT Financial数据与分析主管Strahinja Savic解释称:“Aave的贷款利率受存款资产利用率影响,随着杠杆需求与其他需借贷的交易策略降温,其利率自然走低。” 更值得警惕的是,历经前几轮周期的比特币长期持有者...